Þessi síða er í vinnslu !

Vefsíður sem einstaklingar eða fyrirtæki hafa tekið saman


The Green fact

The GreenFacts Initiative is a non-profit project with an independent Scientific Board and a non-advocacy policy. Our Mission is to bring complex scientific consensus reports on health and the environment to the reach of non-specialists. GreenFacts publishes clear, faithful, and verified summaries of existing scientific reports on health, the environment and sustainable development.

- Hvaða efni þarf að varast innandyra ( Green fact)

Kokteiláhrif efna - efnablöndur
*The Chemical Cocktail: new research on mixture effects points to urgent need for action

*Kokteiláhrif efna
COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL The combination effects of chemicals Chemical mixtures


The truth about mold

Loftlekar og þéttleiki, loftun og loftraki - samantekt frá fyrirtæki